Training and Nutrition Diary Update
February Update: Segment Editing, Fitness History, Weather Forecast, VAM and More.
Our February update to the Training Planner and Nutrition Diary service - powered by TrainingPeaks - (Sign Up) contains a bunch of killer new features that you've been asking for. The highlight of the update is our new Segment Editing capability. You can now create and name any lap or any segment in your workouts. We'll be releasing a lot more functionility around segments in the near future.
There's a lot more though too, lets get right to it! Note these are all "premium only" features as we strive to make your paid subscription even more valuable. We will be performing the update on Wednesday Feb 15, 12pm (Noon) Eastern Standard Time. Expect just 5-10 minutes of downtime, although you might not even notice we'll be offline as this will be a rolling upgrade.
Segment Editing - Using the file viewer, you can now manually highlight and mark segments within your workouts. For example, highlight a particular climb and name that segment "Johnson Hill", or change the name of an interval to "Went as hard as possible!"
Fitness History Chart - On the Dashboard, add the new Fitness History chart to see a summary of workout stats by recent weeks and months, all tallied up for you for the last 13 months. It's a one stop overview of training duration, distance, total TSS, and peak power/hr/pace values, by sport! Also, click the "Copy" button to copy the data to your clipboard and paste it into a spreadsheet for further analysis.
Weather Forecast Chart - We've added a new Dashboard chart that shows current temperatures and a 7-day forecast for your area. Coaches will love this as we've designed it to show your clients' forecast. Add this chart as the first chart on your Dashboard so when viewing the split "Calendar/Dashboard" view it's easily visible. It works for International locations just as well as US, thanks to Weather Underground for supplying the data.
Sugars - Finally, we've updated our nutrition system to explicitly store and report on "sugars" within foods and meals.
Open Street Maps - We've added more map providers to our File Viewer utility. Now select from Google or Open Street Maps to get the best images and maps of your area.
Bike Routing - Our route builder now can suggest routes using bike paths and bike friendly roads. Google's bike routing powers this great new feature for planning your commute or your next training ride. It's especially useful for cities that you are unfamiliar with.
Scatter Plots - Data geeks rejoice! The File Viewer now has the ability to display customizable scatter plots. You can plot any two types of data, like "Power" vs. "Elevation", or Heart Rate vs. Cadence. Spot trends, and dive in to your workouts deeper than ever.
VAM and VAM w/kg - A popular metric that measures your Velocity Ascended in Meters/hr is now available in the File Viewer. Often used to measure how fast you were climbing a particular hill, and can be analyzed for any segment within a workout. We also derive Watts/Kg for the climb by using the VAM calculation. Even if you don't have a power meter, you can finally see an estimated watt output.
We hope you enjoy these new features, and as always, love your feedback. Sign up for your own Training and Nutrition Diary powered by TrainingPeaks today.