Castelli Pioggia 3 Shoe Covers - Road Bike Shop

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Castelli Pioggia 3 Shoe Covers
Retail Price: $69.99
Our Price: $48.99
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In the rain, the Achilles heel of every shoe cover is theclosure system. It's far too common for a seemingly acceptable cover to becomea rain gutter as soon as the weather dampens. Frankly, we're astonished. That'swhy the Castelli Pioggia 3 Shoe Covers are a breath of fresh air -- they dowhat they say they do. With a sealed-seam design and effective ankle closures,the Pioggia 3 Shoe Covers will keep your feet dry when the rain tries to ruinyour ride. The Pioggia 3s have one purpose -- keeping you comfortablein wet weather. To achieve this, Castelli started by applying a polyurethanetreatment to the exterior of the covers' fabric. This improves the overallwater-resistance, while still allowing a high degree of breathability. Forfurther protection, the Pioggia uses a sealed-seam construction to eliminateany seepage from needle holes. The stretchable quality of the covers' fabricalso ensures a durable resistance to either tearing or losing its shape fromrepeated entries and exits. Along these lines, Castelli included welded,water-resistant zippers to get in and out of the covers. And as we've beenboasting, the true degree of separation for the Pioggia 3s is the Nanoflexankle closure system. The tall cuff is snug and conforming without beingrestrictive. So, regardless of body type, the Nanoflex will retain a seal toprevent running water from infiltrating the covers. New to this year, the Pioggia features a light, interiorlayer of fleece to add to the warmth of the covers. Now, Castelli estimates thePioggia's effective climate range to be between 46 and 57 degrees Fahrenheit.And knowing that the wet-weather rider isn't afraid to ride in low-lightconditions, Castelli also included reflective accents throughout the cover foradded visibility. The Castelli Pioggia 3 Shoe Covers are available in thecolors Black and White and in five sizes from Small to XX-Large.