Park Tool Professional Chain Scrubber - Road Bike Shop

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Park Tool Professional Chain Scrubber
Price: $115.95
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Road racers have a saying about a feeling like they're riding without a chain when the legs are good, meaning they don't notice the resistance in their drivetrain. Of course, most road racers keep their bikes meticulously clean but we'd love to have this feeling on every road or mountain ride. One way to ensure you aren't losing precious watts to a dirty, sluggish chain is by keeping it clean. Invest in the CM-25 Professional Chain Scrubber from Park Tool and prepare to have a sparkling clean and efficient chain. This cleaner features a tough cast aluminum case and handle and it's way more durable than plastic units. The brush and sponge cartridge continuously cleans chains and is easy to replace when needed so that the CM-25 provides years of use. The rotating brushes hit all four sides of the chain for fast cleaning. So if you've just gotten back from a messy ride or you are looking to spruce up your bike for a race day boost, use the CM-25 and CB-4 Chainbrite and enjoy a smooth ride.